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Pre-authorized Debit Application

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, St. Paul The Apostle Conference (payee)

2265 Headon Road, Burlington, ON  L7M 4E2

Thank you for donating to Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, St. Paul the Apostle conference. Your generosity allows us to count on recurring monthly funding to support recurring monthly assistance to our neighbours.  It also helps to reduce significant administration time for our volunteer team.


Pre-Authorized Debit giving allows you to donate monthly direct from your bank account. Once a month, on the final Thrusday of the month, your account will be debited an amount you specify. These funds are then transferred directly into the SSVP bank account.  The process is managed through highly secure software accessed by us through our financial institution.

Please complete the form below, attach a copy of a VOID cheque or a Pre-authorized debit form for your bank account and click submit. 

Please provide your full mailing address including any unit # and your postal code.

Provide your phone number (field below only accepts Canadian phone number) and email address in the event we need to reach you about this application. We will try to communciate via email before calling you.


You can cancel your pre-authorized debit at any time by emailing us at or by calling us at 905-522-8222 and letting our volunteers know that you wish to cancel.

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